Pet Wars: PvP Arena
Over time, the villagers mastered training their pets and began using them for fights in the Arena, where they could reap valuable rewards and honour.
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Over time, the villagers mastered training their pets and began using them for fights in the Arena, where they could reap valuable rewards and honour.
Last updated
In the arena, you face other villagers and their pets in quick and fun PvP battles! You must make strategic choices at the correct times to try and get your opponent's HP down before they get yours. Decide whether to attack directly, defend, or try to break through your opponent's defences to boost your damage and prevent the opponent from blocking for five turns.
Every action is significant, and the extent of your strategic skills, mixed with some RNG, determines how you fare in the arena!
After selecting a pet and amulet/cannon (if you have or want to use equipment) and pressing "Find Match," you are placed in a queue and will be matched against another player if one is in the queue. The wait time is no longer than one minute. If no other players are found by then, a bot will challenge you. Fighting against a bot counts for ranking as if it were a player.
Once a match has been found, you enter the arena. Here, you must decide whether to Attack, Defend, Break, or use your cannon. Both players make their decisions simultaneously, and as soon as both have chosen the action they want to do, it is executed, and the result is shown in the battle log in the middle of the screen. If the turn timer runs out before you have made an action, your turn will be skipped.
A match has three rounds. Each round comprises ten turns, and the player with the most Health Points (HP) at the conclusion of turn ten is declared the round winner, provided that neither player has lost all their HP beforehand.
To win a match, a player requires either two wins or a combination of one win and one draw.
The matchmaking system will match you against players equal to or +/- 1 level to your pet, ensuring fair and challenging battles. A player may opt to enter the queue with only a pet. However, opposing players can still use equipment if they queue with it.
Bot Attributes: Bot attributes are randomized based on the player's attributes. Each attribute is calculated as the player's attribute + a random value.
Bot Deck Composition:
If your deck contains only a Pet, the bot’s deck will include a Pet + Amulet. If your deck has a Pet + Amulet or Cannon, the bot’s deck will include all three: Pet + Amulet + Cannon. If your deck already includes Pet + Amulet + Cannon, the bot’s deck will match with the same combination. Note that the bot will give you a hard fight! This ensures players do not try to get easier wins by avoiding other players.
In Pet Wars, the outcome of battles can either increase or decrease your points and determine your rank on the leaderboard. Here's how it works:
A win gives 3 points.
A tie gives 1 point each to both players.
A loss will deduct 1 point.
A player can complete 20 matches daily and 500 matches monthly which counts towards their rank. A pet may participate in a maximum of five of these matches daily. Players must select a different pet after reaching this limit to keep earning points. Matches can still be played with the same pet beyond this point, but no points will be awarded for wins or deducted for losses.
Climbing the leaderboard can earn you rewards if you rank high enough. Players who secure the top three positions receive monthly rewards. Other events may also be active with rewards for the top PvP players.
All pets minted now are ready to enter the arena. If you have pets from before this addition to the game, you must "activate" your pets at the arena before they can be used there. This will also be shown in the inventory.
To activate an "older pet", go to the Play Page > Click on Arena > Inventory Once in your inventory, select the pet you wish to activate and pay the 100 ZBC fee.
Now, your old pet is also ready to fight other villagers' pets in the arena!
All pets and equipment have attribute points that determine their strength and effectiveness. The pet's attributes, combined with the attributes of the amulet and cannon, determine your overall strength and stats.
Strength: Increases the melee attack damage.
Intelligence: Increases the total mana, starting mana, mana regeneration and the chance of hitting with and avoiding cannon attacks.
Dexterity: Increases melee critical chance and the chance of hitting with and avoiding melee attacks.
Obedience: Increases melee and cannon damage and the chance to attack/defend your opponent.
When a pet is minted or activated, it is assigned a set of starting attribute points. These are distributed randomly between Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Obedience. They also get a random amount of Health Points (HP) assigned.
Attributes may be improved up to a maximum limit for each level, and higher rarity pets have a larger pool of starting attributes. To view their details, click on any of the pets listed below.
Once a pet's attribute reaches its cap, it cannot be further increased until the pet levels up. However, if other attributes have not yet reached their caps, they can continue to be improved before levelling up is necessary.
The Mystic Essence Elixir is a potent concoction that enhances pets' attributes. It is essential for competitive players who aim to maximize their pets' strengths.
To enhance your pet's attributes, access your inventory in the arena and select the pet you wish to improve. Then, choose one of the five attributes to increase: HP, Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, or Obedience.
Only one attribute can be increased per elixir. Using one will increase the selected attribute by +1 (+5 for HP) up to the cap for your pet's level. Maxed-out attributes are greyed out.
The Ascension Elixirs possess the ability to increase a pet's level. They are the only way to level up a pet, provided it isn't already at max level.
As previously stated, it is essential to level up a pet once its attribute caps are reached to improve them further. However, you may also opt to level up a pet even if its attributes have not yet been maximized.
To level up a pet, navigate to your arena inventory, choose the pet you wish to upgrade, and then select 'Level Up'. One Ascension Elixir is used every time you level up a pet.
You can equip your pet with a magical amulet and a cannon. These items will further enhance your pet's combat ability and attributes.
The Thunderstrike Blaster Cannon opens up a new missile attack for you to use. These attacks are powerful and deal heavy damage if they hit your opponent.
A cannon attack requires mana, and you must wait for your mana to replenish before launching it.
Cannons have durability and need to be repaired once they reach zero. Repairing costs 100 ZBC and fully restores durability. The durability is shown on the items in your arena inventory and the asset itself if you browse it in your wallet using any of the secondary marketplaces.
The magical Mystic Charms boost your pet's overall stats, except for its HP, and ensure the best chances of beating your opponents.
As with the cannons, the amulettes also have durability and need to be repaired once they reach zero.